Puppy Culture & Avidog
Puppy Culture is a puppy-raising program for breeders, created by Jane Killion.
Avidog offers a comprehensive program via their Litter A-Z course. It starts before pregnancy and includes optimal nutrition and an 'Early Scent Introduction' program.
To get a better idea of what's involved, please take time to read this information and view the videos.
The first 12 weeks of a puppy's life is a critical developmental period that can dramatically shape who they will become as an adult. As breeders, we have a responsibility to take advantage of this period to make an impact on a puppy's personality more than anyone else ever will.
Why do we use Puppy Culture & Avidog?
Transitional Period
14-21 Days
"In this amazing week, we see the puppies
transform from deaf, blind, helpless loaves
of fur, to real little puppies who can hear,
toddle, and play.”